This started out as my favorites list in Internet Explorer. Over the years, however, it has grown beyond merely my "favorites". It is now a collection of all the web pages that I have visted and found somewhat interesting, useful, or bizarre. The World Wide Web has a lot of useless junk, propoganda, and marketing. Using search engines to find things can be very time consuming due to having to sift through all of the useless links. For some topics, this directory represents the results of my sifting - over 3,800 links to date. To keep the directory manageable, I've tried to organize it hierarchically. For instance, you will find Software under Computers, which is under Technology.
Last update: 4-June-2010
Arboretums, Gardens, and Conservatories
Architecture, Buildings, Castles
Business, Finance, Money, and Economics
Museums, Observatories and Libraries
Places, Peoples, Cultures, and Language
Public Domain and Free Literature
Societies, Organizations, Associations, Consortiums, and Clubs