

Altair - Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Amusement Park Physics

Antibubbles e-Print archive

Chemical - An Interactive Periodic Table of the Elements

CIE 1964 10-deg CMFs

CMF introduction

Conversion Factors, Material Properties and Constants

Elemental Data Index

Fundamental Physical Constants from NIST

How Atoms Work

Kelvin or wavelength to RGB converter

Light and Optics online meteorology guide

Light Source Spectra Measurement Data

NORDLYS - Northern Lights

Personal and Historical Perspectives of Hans Bethe - Quantum Physics Made Relatively Simple - Your guide to physics on the internet

Project CLEA

Snowflakes and Snow Crystals


The American Institute of Physics -- Physics Publications and Resources

The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Index page

The Nanotube Site

Thunderbolts (Electric Universe)

Usenet Physics FAQ

WebElements periodic table of the elements - the periodic table on the World-Wide Web

World Year of Physics 2005