The Moglin Files


Hello. I am Tarix, avatar of the great Designer of this Site and Maker of Various and Assundry Games. I enjoy playing Adventure Quest and part of this site is a tribute to my favorite characters of all; the Moglins!


Color: Red

Ears: Red Outside with yellow inside. One ear has a chunk missing from it

Eyes: Black

Found: All over Lore and in the various wars. Is always found standing in front of Battleon, ready to faithfully heal you.

Staff*: Brown pole with leaf on top (This style will from now in be refered to as a Leaf Staff)

*Almost all moglins have a staff. Twig doesn't but I think he is the only one.


Color: Yellow

Ears: Yellow with blue inside

Eyes: Blue

Found: Guardian Tower-Teleporter, Various places in Lore

Staff: None, but he has a red bandana around his neck


Color: Blue, Has a scar at the top of his head

Ears: Blue w/ light blue inside. One of his ears is missing, looks like its been torn, and the other has a jagged rip in it

Eyes: Black

Staff: Brown Staff, Also has a Katana

Found: Granemor, and in various quests, usually which involve Granemor

On Foot



Color: Blue

Ears: Blue w/ light blue inside

Eyes: Black, one has a scar over it

Staff: None

Found: Granemor-Boog's Inn


Color: Blue

Eye: Red, one with a scar over it

Ear: Blue, Inside Brown

Staff: Brown staff with skull on top

Found: In Zorbaks Hideout and various quests and events


Color: Yellow Green. Has HAIR?!?! The hair is white

Eyes: Red

Ears: Yellow Green w/brown inside

Staff: White staff with horned skull on top

Found: Various quests


Color: Red Orange

Ear: Orange w/ Light Orange Inside. One has a chunk out of it.

Eye: Black

Staff: Leaf Staff

Found: The Rescue the Moglin quests in Darkovia


Color: Turquoise

Ear: Turquoise w/ brown inside

Eye: Red

Staff: None, carries the Beautiful Oblivion Mace

Found: Swamp


Color: Purple

Ear: Purple w/ yellow inside

Eye: Swamp Green

Staff: Strange Runic Staff

Found: Quests


Color: Light Blue

Ears: Light blue w/ Brown inside

Eyes: Black and blue

Staff: None

Found: As a guest and in Frostvale


Color: Orange, He has hair too! It's brown

Eyes: Green, wears glasses

Ears: Orange/with orange yellow inside

Staff: None

Found: Mogbusters


Color: Yellow

Ears: Yellow w/ black inside

Eyes: Black

Staff: None

Found: Hybee Quest


Color: Yellow Orange

Ears: Yellow Orange w/ pink inside

Eyes: Black and Turqouise

Staff: None

Found: Find Dragonbane


Color: Green

Ears: Green w/ yellow inside. One is slightly shredded

Eyes: Purple

Staff: Ornate Spear

Found: Hunt the Drakel


Color: Brown Orange

Ear: Brown Orange w/yellow inside. One has a chunk out of it

Eye: Black

Staff: Leaf Staff

Found: Save the Moglins


Color: Turquoise

Ear: Turquoise w/ bannana yellow inside

Eye: Black

Staff: None

Found: Frostvale


Color: Swamp green

Ear: Swamp green w/ Light green inside

Eye: Black

Staff: Leaf Staff


Color: Brown

Ear: Brown

Eye: Black

Staff: Leaf Staff

Found: War of the Fangs: Werewolf Attack


Color: Turqouise Green

Ear: Turqouise w/ light blue inside

Eye: Blak and violet

Staff: None

Found: Quest for Kayda Gems


Color: Light Green Wears a... a... HAT!

Ears: Light Green w/ pale white brown inside

Eye: Black. Wears square glasses

Staff: none

Found: Mogbusters